14 January 2025 |
Report of the Director of Housing and Communities |
York Neighbourhood Model Update
1. This update follows a report to this Committee (5 November 2024) on work taking place to develop a neighbourhood working or ‘Integrated Neighbourhood Team’ Model, as a way of delivering improved outcomes for individuals, for communities, and for the wider system of Health, Care and community based services in the city. This model ensures partner agencies in the city provide services as early as possible in a local network tailored to the needs of the local community. Partners include all Health partners and including Primary Care (General Practice) and the voluntary and community sector. Schools and North Yorkshire Police will also be critical partners within local networks.
2. On 5 November 2024 this Committee resolved the following:
· That further data which would be included within the report to be received by Executive on 12 December 2024 also be shared with members.
· That the committee supported the devolution of services within the Neighbourhood Model and welcomed further scrutiny on detailed proposals.
3. This report updates scrutiny members on the implementation of the above for their discussion and consideration on how they can be involved going forward.
4. Following the 5 November 2024 meeting of this committee, two actions were undertaken to address the resolution That further data which would be included within the report to be received by Executive on 12 December 2024 also be shared with members:
· The full set of data was circulated to the committee members. This is contained in full at Annex A to this report;
· The Executive report was finalised for the 12th December 2024 meeting, available here:
and the following mapping data included as Annex A to that report:
Whilst it was felt that the full data set would be challenging to present as part of a coherent Executive Report, but mindful of this scrutiny committee’s request, the smaller subset was included to provide more evidence of the data sitting behind the chosen geography including Health’s planning requirement to work with a population size of 50,000.
5. With regard to this committee’s request to undertake further scrutiny on detailed proposals. Scrutiny Members are directed to the following relevant extracts from the above Executive report relating to the next steps:
6. For any version of this model to be implemented effectively the continuing work on Phase 2 will need to explore the following questions, in consultation and co-production with partners across all sectors and informed by user lived experience:
· Why? A confirmation of the final agreed outcomes and benefits.
· How would the model be funded and resourced to create and maintain resilience of the model?
· What services are included (both as the core team in each area and then as required)?
· Where would they be based? And how can connectivity be optimised for accessing integrated resources through effective and sustainable transport solutions which are convenient, health generating and promote independence as well as reduce carbon emissions from transport?
· When? A full implementation programme plan.
And approved recommendation:
21 c) Approve officers undertaking further engagement and co-production on the model, applying the approved Design Principles throughout, with an aim to have detailed CYC neighbourhood proposals back to Executive by Summer 2025 with the building blocks in place for delivery.
Reason: To provide a roadmap towards developing a
Neighbourhood Model for York.
Next Steps
7. The next steps for the Council (CYC) and Health partners include securing joint project management resources and bringing together known data sets from all partners in order to direct and provide a current up to date evidence base for service design and resourcing decisions. Workstreams and related project plans will be developed when resources have been secured. A CYC contribution will be made from existing budgets towards a joint role with anticipated funding from other partners.
8. As outlined in the Executive report at paragraph 63 this work will be directed through a joint partnership group (the York Health & Care Collaborative) with any detailed recommendations approved by CYC Executive and the York Health & Care Partnership Executive (York Place Board). The York Health & Care Collaborative (YHCC) is made up of members of Primary Care groups, people with lived experience and other members of the voluntary and community sector, CYC communities based services and Public Health. The Collaborative is chaired jointly by CYC’s Director of Housing & Communities and General Practitioner (GP) representatives who report through to both Executive level boards.
9. In order to support this work between CYC and health partners, CYC has already created a mapping platform which shows both the data within the annex, as well as asset data of both organisations, and other information that is useful for partners to understand where each other have service activity. This over time should help services to plan their geographic distribution of services, and although the majority of this data is already in the public domain (through Yorkview or YorkOpenData) consideration will be given in due course to making the platform to wider audience and public.
11. This is not a decision report and so there are no other options put forward for consideration.
12. As this section should present an appraisal of the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as there are no options to consider there is also no related analysis.
Council Plan
13. A number of policy drivers are outlined in the Executive report at paragraph 14, but specific focus in this report is given the following priority actions set out in the Council Plan for 2023-27 'One City, for All':
· Work with the York Health and Care Partnership to strengthen York’s integrated early intervention and prevention model and further develop primary and secondary shared care models and emergency care, working closely with the voluntary and community sector.
· Deliver local area coordination, health trainers and social prescribing that supports people be independent and in communities, working alongside partners for their own health and wellbeing.
· Develop a neighbourhood model of delivery, exploring the benefits of establishing ‘hubs’ across communities.
14. As this report is for information and discussion only there are no Financial, Human Resources, Equalities, Legal, Crime and Disorder, Information Technology, Property or other implications. Any implications of the next planned report to Executive, taking into account any recommendations from this and/or other Scrutiny Committees will be included at that time.
Risk Management
15. Whilst there are no direct risks of this report, the Executive report in December 2024 did consider a number of risks and mitigations at paragraph 71 and 72 which the YHCC will be mindful of whilst undertaking its work.
16. Members are asked to consider:
a) The detailed data included in Annex A around the York Neighbourhood mapping model and any questions that may arise:
Reason: to consider data as requested at the 5th November 2024 meeting.
b) The next steps regarding implementation of the model and how this Scrutiny Committee can be involved prior to the next report to Executive in Summer 2025.
Reason: to secure scrutiny member involvement in the development of future proposals.
Contact Details
Author: |
Chief Officer Responsible for the report: |
Pauline Stuchfield Director of Housing & Communities pauline.stuchfield@york.gov.uk
Ian Cunningham Head of Business Intelligence
Pauline StuchfieldDirector of Housing & Communities
Report Approved |
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Date |
03 January 2025 |
Wards Affected: List wards or tick box to indicate all |
All |
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For further information please contact the author of the report |
Background Papers:
Children, Culture & Communities Scrutiny Report 5 November 2024: Design Principles of a ‘Neighbourhood Model’ for York. Item 28:
Executive Report 12 December 2024: Design Principles of a ‘Neighbourhood Model’ for York. Item 7:
Annex A – Localities 2024 (3 and 4 area models)
CYC City of York Council
GP General Practitioner
YHCC York Health & Care Collaborative
ESA Employment & Support Allowance
GLD Good Level of Development
JSA Job Seekers Allowance
LILEE Low Income Low Energy Efficiency
NYP North Yorkshire Police
UC Universal Credit